IsLongerOrEqual(TCollection) Method (ConditionValidator(TCollection), Int32)


Checks whether the number of elements in the given value, is more than or equal to the specified numberOfElements argument. An exception is thrown otherwise. When the value is a null reference, it is considered to have 0 elements.

Namespace:  CuttingEdge.Conditions
Assembly:  CuttingEdge.Conditions (in CuttingEdge.Conditions.dll)


Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Shared Function IsLongerOrEqual(Of TCollection As IEnumerable) ( _
	validator As ConditionValidator(Of TCollection), _
	numberOfElements As Integer _
) As ConditionValidator(Of TCollection)
public static ConditionValidator<TCollection> IsLongerOrEqual<TCollection>(
	ConditionValidator<TCollection> validator,
	int numberOfElements
where TCollection : IEnumerable
Visual C++
generic<typename TCollection>
where TCollection : IEnumerable
static ConditionValidator<TCollection>^ IsLongerOrEqual(
	ConditionValidator<TCollection>^ validator, 
	int numberOfElements
JavaScript does not support generic types or methods.


Type: CuttingEdge.Conditions..::.ConditionValidator<(Of <(TCollection>)>)
The ConditionValidator<(Of <(T>)>) that holds the value that has to be checked.
Type: System..::.Int32
The collection must contain the same amount or more elements than this value.

Type Parameters

The type of the value to check.

Return Value

The specified validator instance.


System..::.ArgumentExceptionThrown when the Value of the specified validator contains less than specified by the numberOfElements argument, while the specified validator is created using the Requires extension method.
System..::.ArgumentNullExceptionThrown when the Value of the specified validator is a null reference and the numberOfElements is greater than 0, while the specified validator is created using the Requires extension method.
CuttingEdge.Conditions..::.PostconditionExceptionThrown when the Value of the specified validator contains less than specified by the numberOfElements argument, while the specified validator is created using the Ensures extension method.

See Also